Amsterdam Golf Commission Agenda 7/18/23 4pm
1. Pledge of allegiance
2. Public comments No public comment
3. Superintendent and maintenance report
- Alex-wet conditions and heat does stress the course. Trees have fallen so Alex has taken some down. There are some dollar weeds that they will be treating. The course is in good health overall. Tim complimented Brightview for the great work. Skip believes the greens have improved dramatically. Have we made any progress on extending the contract?
- Scott said in the fall there will be discussion with Brightview with them providing equipment instead of the city equipment. Alex said that using Brightview equipment would be most beneficial to the course.
- Chemical locker bid is complete. The vendor needs to be approved by the city for ordering.
- Tree program-Minimally Invasive Tree Service needs to be approved by the city.
- Risk assessment report
- Increase fescue area to increase Brightview efficiency.
- Maintenance Budget $11,146
- Aeration of greens to occur on Aug. 23 and 24
- City Championship Aug 19/20
- Creek 15 cleared out without use of chemicals
4. Golf pro report
- Course Marketing update
- Jr. Golf league update-ages 7-13. We have 10 kids participating. Developmental and rules and etiquette. Help to get them ready to play on the course. Had our first match this past Sunday. Kids and parents were great! This will run through August. We host July 30 and Aug 6.
- Jeff is going to Amsterdam Summer Camp to instruct. 3 sessions at 30 kids a piece.
- Veteran program update-no further communication from county
- PGA Hope- we are seeing these golfers on the course.
5. Golf Consultant financial report
- $23,000 under for payroll
- Up $49K on income
6. Old business
- Bridge on 16 discussion possibility of boy scouts to restore the old bridge. What is the liability and Mike Clark (engineer) would need to be involved. Skip-should utilize the scouts to do something more beneficial to more golfers.
- Golf Carts update-no update we are in a holding pattern, We will discuss at the end of the season.
- Cart Path update-city engineer looked at the paths 10K linear feet. $500k quote. DPW put a crusher run on the worst areas. Long term look at areas that can’t sustain crusher run. Brightview would be able to maintain the crusher run.
- Practice area update-Montgomery County has not responded this month
- Facebook access-Chris created a new page as we are unable to access the old one.
- Status of asbestos insurance funds-no update
7.New business
- Possibility of creating a Golf Course Foundation so that we can raise money for the course. Update from city attorney on reviving the Amsterdam Beautification Committee.- No action taken by city attorney as of yet
- Looking forward to next season-begin discussion of feasibility of moving back to proshop (the trailer lease is 6 months) and possibility of adding bathroom facilities. -all of these items are up in the air pending construction.
- Scott presented his recommendations for a 2023 fee structure. This will be presented to the mayor and to the membership in a town hall format.
Next Meeting Monday Aug 14 6pm at the pavillion
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Sherlock